Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Final Major Project 2012

An update on stuff I've done since my last post.

The five best pitches of the class got selected to be realized into final films for our 2nd year of Animation FdA at LCC. I was assigned to work on a film originally titled Sentient Race but later renamed Cyclic.

The project involved a lot of walk cycles using creatures designed by the director, Alistair. Unfortunately our project blog has been deleted but here's the final film.

Cyclic from AlistairArt on Vimeo.

We all divided responsibility to animate the creatures swimming or walking, this mean we had to make a loopable cycle of movement for each character.
I made a couple of the swimming sperm to create variation from the one that Alistair made. I also worked on some of the swimming creatures. The ones that are seen morphing as they transition from water to land were all animated by me and made to walk or run by me. I also animated the dodo-bird and the raptor as it jumped on it.

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