Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tibetan Prayer Masks

Source: Tibetan Sacred Dance by Ellen Pearlman

I really love these costumes and customs as well from Tibetan Buddhism. Actually the religion is a fusion of the shamanistic Bon and Buddhism that was later introduced and adapted in this way.

I wanted to base my preproduction pitch project on the unique appearance of these masks. . .

also interesting is that the Mongolions who also practice Tibetan Buddhism have similar masks for their prayer dances (tsam). One could also look to Bhutan for their versions of the cham masks.

Monday, November 7, 2011


old doodles I found...

This had to do with the my Tibetan myth themed storyboard project and influences from Tekkon Kinkreet style.
A strange drawing of a saint-like figure... but certainly not one.
Long haired Tim. :>

Life Drawing

UAL Life Drawing session... I went in once and they were focusing on hands and feet but I went ahead and drew the body because I couldn't resist.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

3Ds Max Workshop Hand

We are having weekly workshops in 3DsMax with our tutor Rachel, and in the first class last week we were made to reconstruct flat paintings in a sort of collage.

This week's class we were shown how to make a 3D hand and I used a picture off the web as reference and also as a texture to paste onto the model.

So this is what it looked like! It was a little frustrating and I often lost the gizmo tool and accidentally hit some buttons that off set a lot of things. But it was quite satisfying to be able to recognize my model as a 'hand'. c:
We didn't learn how to paste a texture on the palm though, so when I rotated the perspective to look, it was the back of the hand again where the palm should've been.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Jan Harlan at LCC

Wednesdays are elective classes at uni for second and 3rd year students. `
I chose to go to the class that deals with the Stanley Kubrick Archive, and today we had a special guest over to have an informal talk with.

Jan Harlan is Kubrick's brother in law.

He seems a very passionate, romantic type of man.
I took some notes which I will scan and upload here soon.

He's a nice fellow who does documentaries and says that making a film is easy, anyone can do it, but to make a great film is the hardest.

I'll be back with more.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Showreel

Just updated my showreel with the last work that I had done!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Close up

Some old photographs.

I like toy guns. Preferably those that look like old western pistols.

wooden cat figures my mum bought me.

The purple sunset behind the sud-stained window at my student residence.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sound & Vision

mind maps for trying to work out sound & vision project.
My three starting words were curious, navy blue, record player.

I wanted something curious, started to think about people born with different appearances or conditions.

Then I just thought I could do something like a shop of curiosities as I thought about how there were cabinet of curiosities a few centuries ago.

Since this was a collaboration project with the sound arts students, it was cool to have 'record player'as one of my given words to start from. I decided I should just include a gramophone which got me thinking of old eras like steam and such. Steam punk is pretty nice visually, I love the brass and wood combination so I made my gramophone like that with reference images off the net.

i liked the idea of curio cabinets that is also in the old days, so I thought about making the main character a curiosity of a sort, which brought me back to mythical creatures of Tibet -- the garuda!

Here's one of my doodles. Though he turns out quite differently from here for easier animation.

Worst Job Ever Assignment

My choice for the 'worst job ever' was 'being shoes', so I depicted the shoes being worn by a hairy legged man! I thought it would be nice to have the shoe find a love interest even though he only sees her (the fancy red shoes) only briefly before her owner hops onto the next train. I also included stepping on gum, walking over broken glass and into muck!

Here, I took pictures of my brother's shoes and drew on them after printing them out...

Here are a few images from my storyboard project. I used my wacom tablet to draw these in photoshop. Unfortunately I wasn't aware of the aspect ratio....

My favourite image is of the shoes on the tube platform. <3